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John Minahan Science Hall

John Minahan Science Hall was built in 1967. Before JMS existed, there was the Science Quonset Building which housed the sciences.  The old science building is no longer standing but it used to reside near where the campus center is today.(St. Norbert College Magazine, 2009).  As well as a Quonset Building, there was also a science observatory in what is now the Campus Center. Some biology classes were also held in Main Hall at one time in the college history.  In 1959 there was a huge funding initiative aimed toward making JMS a reality. Today it houses the natural sciences such as biology, chemistry, geology, physics, as well as the psychology department and Technology Support Services. JMS holds thirty-eight laboratories, one being a cadaver lab which is not very common for a smaller school such as St. Norbert. There are current plans to renovate and expand JMS to include more space for laboratory and classroom usage which will promote research opportunities and student-faculty collaboration.(Office of the President, 2012)